Eternity Kids Registration Form

Eternity Kids Registration Form

ACTS Global Church - Medical & Registration Form

Version 5.1


All information collected via this form will be saved to help us create, deliver and improve our programs, pastoral care services and ensure a healthy and safe church environment. 

We never share information with a third party organisation unless we are legally required to do so.

By submitting this form you agree that Eternity Church stores your private information.

Personal Details

Parent / Guardian #1

Parent / Guardian #2

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact is the person we will seek to contact if the parent/Guardian listed above is not available

Medical Details

The following information is supplied (in confidence) to assist the leaders in the event of an incident.

Please note that if your child does have an allergy / intollerance / medical condition, a copy of their Medical Plan will need to be submitted via emailing

Medical Information

Medical Conditions

Tip: If yes, please provide details:

Tip: Should I (parent) be unavailable in the case of an emergency involving my child, I hereby authorise the Leaders to arrange for such Medical or Surgical treatment, and the administration of medication such as analgesics, as may be necessary. I indemnify against all cost arising from such action, including Ambulance Cover.

Your Child in our Program

Tip: As a church we would like to publish photos from our program onto socials and use them to promote. Do you give permission to take/use photos of your child?

Tip: Is there anything further you would like to let us know about?